
New member
Sep 21, 2004
just wanted to let you know that its great what you are doing are far as exposing the parasites that want to lure suckers into paying them for their picks. it greatly appreciated by many on this board who have been around sports betting all of their lives and know of this suckers scam.

therecordkeeper is another example of someone who has truly helped the average guy by exposing myths and lies.

both of you guys are to be commended.

you have been a better than average handicapper and a straight up guy. i always check your plays to get your opinion or to see if i can pick up something i missed in my handicapping.

keep up the good work patrick, and have a great
time with march madness.

Patrick only better than avg. Irish is the only guy at the Rx to have a winning record in every sport that TRK has kept track off. Irish is a top notch handicapper.
Slugster - greatly appreciated.

If someone wants to buy opinions that's okay but they have the right to know how they are getting hustled and what methods these scammers use. Bottom line is simple, if touts could win on their own they wouldn't be selling picks. Wouldn't have to. I have never seen an answer from one of these scammers yet that addresses this point in a realistic or believable way. However despite our best efforts some people are destined to learn the hard way and send them their money, there's one born every minute they say. It is their dollars the suckers are sending, just bothers me that touts will hustle anyone. Retarded people and folks with severe gambling problems make for their best customers and are some of the best pickings. With a little imagination from the touts, some questionable record keeping and then some fun and games with monopoly money (units is the term they use) a good marketer can swindle some guys you wouldn't believe could be easily fooled into sending money. They make their living sucking in folks so they are quite good at it. Bottom line is I will never not voice my opinion on blood sucking touts. It's my duty to warn others as a watchdog. Not all of them are ruthless scammers but the one I speak of here is clearly along those lines. No question about it. Had I known at the start of baseball season he was looking to start up a tout business I would have spoken on his "moves" way back then. I thought his *25 unit plays and the rest of the gimmicks were just feeding his ego, had no idea he was going to use it to fleece our posters. I should have known when he was caught not counting losses and was so concerned about how many imaginary dollars he was up by posting huge unit plays.

Anyway I appreciate the good word Slugster. You have also been upfront in your position as well despite it becoming more and more unpopular these days around here. With the RX going in business with touts, other scammers chiming in, countless aliases they use and then the suckers themselves who pay touts against us, it becomes tougher and tougher to speak against these scammers without being attacked. I noticed it has never slowed you down from speaking the truth though, props to you for that sir. I won't ever back down when they use smear tactics to attack the source and take the onus off them no matter how alone I am, what's right is right. Like someone posted one day, Dogball and his "questionable tactics" are on trial here, not anyone else. Good to see others who had the balls to speak out on this around here as well. Good luck to you in March Madness.


I came here to help the posters win for free. When my *50 unit plays started winning and they saw how much money I was making the posters begged me to sell them my plays. Going tout and making money was the furtherest thing from my mind when I got here.... - Dogball/2002

[This message was edited by Patrick McIrish on 02-27-03 at 07:59 AM.]
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raiders72001:
........Irish is the only guy at the Rx to have a winning record in every sport that TRK has kept track off. Irish is a top notch handicapper.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks Raiders and Elmer. You guys are alright with me.

I must add to what you said Raiders on the capping part. Though I am proud of being a fairly consistant handicapper there is people here much better than I in every sport. Though I know a little about most sports I am more a grinder type. I will be the first to admit that and always have. In fact some that win aren't tracked in every sport TRK monitors so others could win in every sport as well. So while I much appreciate the good words (especially from a solid capper himself) I don't want to step on any of the other fine FREE cappers around here. We have some touts around that specialize in that stuff already. I like to see people win here AND be able to keep their wallet in their back pocket while surfing the forums......

Let's get them today boys.


I came here to help the posters win for free but after my *50 unit plays started winning they BEGGED me to sell my plays to them..... - <Matlock>/2002
Pat you know I think you are a stand up guy & like your passion on issues but I must disagree with this statement:

"Bottom line is simple, if touts could win on their own they wouldn't be selling picks."

So are you telling me it is wrong for someone successful at something to try & maximize profits even more?

If this is the case then people who come up with great ideas & use them to make money should keep hush hush instead of bringing their product to the market & profiting off their success.

I look at this issue from a few standpoints & don't get color blinded like alot around here who don't ever look at the other side to form an unbiased opinion.

As I've said before their is a big difference between a legitimate handicapper who makes money & chooses to sell & a tout you see on tv with outlandish claims.

So in the end is your definition of "tout":

A. Any successful gambler/honest handicapper who sells picks


B. Your typical Joe Wiz, Keven Duffy, Jack Price

I'm just curious to get your total perspective.
got a call yesterday and really dont know how the guy got my number
only a few people have and i always use my cell number on sportsbook applications and i never answer it
so guy call while golf is on and ask how iam doing? fine watching golf
you dont bet golf do you? he ask
excuse me i dont think its any of you business i say.
well i have a <dead> winner in college hoops tonight he says.
isay great ... and before he can saty anything else i say <you are lucky, they have alot os sportbooks out there so get the Fvck off this phone and go to one and bet all the cash you can beg steal and borrow on it.>>>
then i hang up


Man, I haven't seen you since I stalked you in the handicapping forums. LOL, how the fuvk have you been? More importantly, how has your sister been? LOL, just fuvking with you.

EGD, you are starting to sound like a law student there buddy with the A, B, C rundown. Care to cite to any authority? Haven't there been any Sup Ct cases addressing the issue?

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> So in the end is your definition of "tout":

A. Any successful gambler/honest handicapper who sells picks


B. Your typical Joe Wiz, Keven Duffy, Jack Price <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

EGD- you forgot a question mark in there, and you should always do your "A" and "B" in bold

Do you remember the name that I used to call you? I'll add $1 to your Blue Marlin acct if you can name it.

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